Think All Child Molesters are ‘Pedophiles’? Think Again.

Categorizing those that sexually abuse children as predatory pedophiles is not only a common misconception – it’s also dangerous. It gives us a sense that offenders are easier to identify through grooming behaviors or a lack therof, and easier to understand – that they have a sexual perversion that can’t be cured. This makes it all the more difficult to understand how someone respected and well-liked could sexually abuse a child. Full Article

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I was classified as a situational offender however I have never seen an article explaining the difference between predatory and situational before. There is a lot of truth in this article.

A decent primer on the various types of sexual attraction and classification of offenders, but some important information is not provided.

The definition of molestation. The fact that molestation does not require coercion or force. That not all acts of molestation are child abuse (yes the laws will say otherwise), but psychology complicates matters. Children can actually molest other children and have no concept that they are engaging in “illegal and immoral” behavior. Also anyone who has done enough research into modern day tribal groups will have come across “abusive” practices between adults and children or children and children, except because the acts are carried out from a perspective of benefit no recognizable harm ever manifests. This is not an endorsement of molestation, but an admission that the perception of behavior has an impact on how it affects people.

Not everyone who views child pornography has a sexual interest in those under the age of consent. Nor is all child pornography the same.

Someone who rapes might have a completely different set of motivations than someone who molests.

Just because someone has a primary or exclusive attraction to prepubescent children, early pubescent youths, or late pubescent persons doesn’t mean they want to hurt anyone.

We should petition the American Psychological Association to prohibit it members from collusion with law enforcement in interrogating offenders on parole and probation, fishing for past offenses, using forced polygraph, discloser of thoughts and admissions of past offenses during “therapy” sessions, sexual stimulation tests and the like. These techniques have had a painful effect on offenders, especially those who have only one (or no) actual offense. Helping a former offender lead a healthy life is a noble goal, if not combined with attempts to harm the person emotionally. A petition is probably not going to be very effective, because it appears Guantanamo detainees have more human rights supporters than do domestic offenders. Nonetheless, it may make them think about it.